by adminAWorkShop | Apr 2, 2018 | Aristoteles Workshop, news, Press Release Ro
“Ia o cameră, filmează ceva, arată cuiva.” – Jean Luc Godard Să faci un film documentar de la zero la proiecție în cinci săptămâni este o probă de foc pentru orice creator. La Aristoteles Workshop vin, din 2006 încoace, tineri talentați din toată lumea, gata să... by adminAWorkShop | Feb 25, 2018 | Aristoteles Workshop, news
“Touch Me Not” won the top Golden Bear prize at the Berlin International Film Festival last night. The jury lead by German director Tom Tykwer chose the movie out of 19 contenders. The story follows a woman who can’t bear to be touched, together with... by adminAWorkShop | Aug 7, 2017 | Aristoteles Workshop, news, Uncategorized
Wild Berries, the film made by Romulus Balazs (France) Marianna Vas (Hungary) and Hedda Bednarszky (Romania) within Aristoteles Workshop 2017 was awarded the best documentary of the 12th edition. “The sensorial journey of a solitary boy immersed into his own world,... by adminAWorkShop | Aug 1, 2017 | Aristoteles Workshop, news, Uncategorized
Who will be the winners of this edition? The 12th edition of Aristoteles Workshop will be picking its winners on Friday, August 4th, following the screening of the five films created in the last five weeks within the documentary workshop. The event will take place... by adminAWorkShop | Jul 26, 2017 | Aristoteles Workshop, news, Uncategorized
She participated in the 2016’s edition of Aristoteles Workshop and came back to lend a hand to this year’s students. Maria Balanean will be joining us until the end of the workshop. With a small break though. Between 27th and 30th of July you can meet her in Piatra... by adminAWorkShop | Jul 19, 2017 | Aristoteles Workshop, news, Uncategorized
The participants of Aristoteles workshop started filming The third week of Aristoteles Workshop 2017 finds all the 12 participants in full swing. Coming from all around the world in Bata of Arad county, they have traveled hundreds of kilometres in the past few days...
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